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Transformation Thursday

And do not be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
{Romans 12:2}

Do you have an addiction, a hang-up, battling depression, do you have a need for help from a Biblical Based, confidential...more than just a recovery program. 


Transformation Thursday's will help you transform your life through dynamic praise & worship led by Martin Beidleman, a time of teaching and learning through scripture by Martin & Bunny Beidleman, small group time, and prayer!


Join us 6:00 pm Thursday Nights!

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
{Romans 3:23 NKJV}


Recovery becomes Transformation when Jesus said it is Finished!


Importance of Jesus saying “It is finished”


When Jesus cried out “It is finished,” he meant “It was finished in the past, it is still finished in the present, and it will remain finished in the future.”


Note one other fact. He did not say, “I am finished,” for that would imply that he died defeated and exhausted. Rather, he cried out “It is finished,” meaning “I successfully completed the work I came to do.”


Tetelestai, then, is the Savior’s final cry of victory. When he died, he left no unfinished business behind. When he said, “It is finished,” he was speaking the truth.

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