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Writer's pictureDoug Duncan

You are not alone

There are lot of things that make people (including me!) feel anxious. I did some research, and here are of the some things which did not surprise me: heights, spiders, snakes, and the dentist Then there were other things that make people anxious that did surprise me: Like one of the top 10 fears people have is dogs. Who knew? Other common fears include using elevators and public speaking.

For me, anxiety feels like restlessness. My heart begins to race, and I start pacing around the house or room. Anxiety causes me to have difficulty sleeping at night. I’ll start thinking irrationally about something and find myself thinking about the absolute worst-case scenario. When I’m a little anxious I begin biting my nails, and when I’m struggling a lot it almost feels like I can’t breathe.

That’s an idea of what anxiety feels like for me personally, but an important question to ask around anxiety is what are we actually anxious about?

There are a ton of things that could make us anxious, but there are five common things that I think we can all agree have the power to take a little worry and turn it into anxiety fast.

Where anxiety says that no one is beside you, God says, “I am.”

When I’m anxious, this is one of the biggest lies I believe: that I’m completely alone. Thankfully for all of us, God steps in, and He says that’s not true. That’s a lie, I’m with you! I’m beside you.I’m near you. I see you. I’m here right now, and I still love you.

God says in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

When God speaks the words, he’s not saying, “Suck it up and don’t be a coward. Just stop being afraid!” Instead he’s saying, “Don’t be afraid because I am right here. And wherever I am, freedom and peace can be found. I am your protector and provider. We will get through this together.”

Regardless of what you think and feel, the truth is, God has never left our side. He’s not up in the clouds. He’s not way out there. It’s not just a warm and fuzzy feeling–He is with us. And He carries us throughout the day.

Christ holds you secure. And no thing and no one will snatch you from his hand. Find rest in this reality today.

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3 commentaires

22 juin 2020

Amen. Thank you for posting God’s word. He knows what we need to hear.


22 juin 2020

Amen Pastor Thank you for this word. Needed it today


22 juin 2020

Yes yes and yes again! So glad that when anxiety comes in like a wave that God steps in and floods the anxiety with peace, just by speaking His name!

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