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Writer's picturePastor's Corner

Why I’m “Churchy”

I heard someone say that as a kid he really believed that church was on holy ground. He said that no matter how late they were, or how upset his dad was, pulling into the church parking lot everything changed. As soon as they got out of the car his dad was nothing but smiles and hugs. I have to admit, I have been there and done that.

Satan feels threatened when we attend church as a family image.

Satan knows how important going to church as a family is, and will do anything to keep it from happening.

Trust me, he knows how threatening a God-centered family can be, and works diligently to convince us not to go. Did you hear that? Satan feels threatened when your family attends church on a regular basis.

Research Shows Benefits Of Church Attendance

Church attendance has been linked to many different things, such as decreased abuse, suicide, teen pregnancy, and divorce rates. There has been significant research done on the topic of church attendance and how it positively effects every member of your family.

A 2010 Child’s Trend review indicates that kids from religious backgrounds are less likely to be involved in violence, theft, and vandalism. They are also less likely to struggle with substance abuse problems than their peers. This research found that when people attend church regularly, overall mental health and happiness increase, and stress levels decrease.

When we attend church together as a family it brings us closer and creates a stronger bond between every one. Including our children in on worship services, Sunday school classes, and outreach activities, facilitates communication on deeper levels. Parents also find a stronger desire to be and continue to be a part of their kids’ lives.

Attending church as a family brings us closer and creates a stronger bond between us image

Going to church as a family provides our kids with a stronger sense of security, and a greater understanding of the world around them. This becomes extremely important as they grow older and face rejection, persecution, and hurt. Being a member of a church gives them the confidence to stand firm in who they are and what they believe. “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13.

Going and being active in church is not just beneficial to our children, but to us as well. Being part of a church family provides us with friends of a like minds. It gives us a support system and people we can seek encouragement from. As well as someone you can count on to be there and take your needs in prayer. Friends, there is nothing like knowing you have a prayer warrior on your side.

Being a member of a church family can help those families who feel alone. If your family has moved and now live away from close family, a church family can fill the void. I love hearing when people come up to you and say things like...I can not tell you how grateful I was for our church family when we lived 3 hours away from family. This was especially true when I went into labor with our daughter, and our pastor and his wife came at 2am to sit with our son. I am so thankful that I had a family away from family. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7.

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