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What's up with Christmas?

MATTHEW 1:23 “Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel” (which being interpreted is, “God with us”).

Just as a little context, I’m writing this from urgent care on Christmas Eve. There’s been a popular meme being shared around social media this year. That says something like I’ve never felt less Christmasy than I have this year.

Now I understand that Christmas or any holiday can be difficult for people who have lost loved ones or are going through crisis. But every time I see that post it saddens me to see what Christmas has been made out to be.

You see the world has made it about presents, decorations, dinners, and feeling the “Christmas Spirit”. But here’s the thing as a Christian Christmas isn’t about me. Sure all those other things are nice and there’s nothing wrong with them. They have their place. But for Born again believers it’s about God putting on flesh and becoming one of us.

It’s about God with us! So if you don’t feel Christmassy this year try putting it into prospective. Just for a few minutes take the gifts , meals, and decorations out of it. And take a moment to reflect on the greatest gift ever given. Even from an urgent care full of sick people on Christmas Eve I can thank God for sending his Son! Merry Christmas! And remember Jesus truly is the reason for the season.

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