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Victory In Low Places

“Then the man of God went to the king of Israel and said, “This is what the Lord says: The Arameans have said, ‘The Lord is a god of the hills and not of the plains.’ So I will defeat this vast army for you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” I Kings 20:28

In 1 Kings 20, Ben-Hadad, the King of Syria, took his army and attacked Israel, but the Lord gave His people victory that day. So much so that Ben-Hadad was reduced to running for his life. But six months later, Ben-Hadad renewed his campaign of terror because some of his consultants came and said, “We know why we lost that battle. It’s because their God is a God of the hills. Their God is a God who only gives them victory when they’re on top. Their God is a God of mountains, but if you can catch them in a low place and attack them in a valley, they can’t win. So let’s go get them.”
Have you ever thought you defeated something, and it came back? The enemy wants you to accept these words, “This time, it’s different. This time, you’re not going to make it. This time, God’s not going to come through. This time, the cancer is going to kill you. This time, the marriage isn’t going to get back together. This time, the kids are not going to turn around. This differs from last time because you were in a better position last time. But now you’re in a valley, and this time, God’s not going to give you victory.”
So, Ben-Hadad attacked, but God gave Israel another mighty victory. The scripture says that God was insulted by what they had said. He said, “I’m not just King of the hill; I’m Lord of the valley!” God was saying, “You’re not going to limit me. I don’t only work when you’re on top, and everything’s good. I want you to know that I’m still God even when you’re in the low places. The times you are struggling. When you’re in the valley and just got a bad news report from the doctor. When it seems like things are going in the wrong direction with your finances. I haven’t left you. I don’t abandon you when you get in low places. I’m Lord of the valley.” 
God will give you your greatest victories not on your mountain tops but in your low valleys.
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