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This Is Personal

“… when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.” 2 Timothy 1:5


I think there are three types of faith in our world today.


First, there’s the person whose faith is in a God who’s “out there somewhere.” They don’t take the Bible literally or even seriously. They assume there are multiple ways to get to God. They have an abstract faith. 
Then, there are people whose faith is more structured. They have a Christian wedding. They go to church at Easter and Christmas Time. They might even dedicate their kids to God in church. They’ll talk about how they were raised in religion and still believe what their pastors preached. But nothing about their connection to God is personal. They have a ceremonial faith.
But then there’s  transferrable faith. This is the faith you want. It’s the faith you need—both for life and for eternity. It’s what Paul was describing in 2 Timothy 1:5 (NKJV):
… when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.
Notice what the Apostle Paul is showing us here. He’s saying that the faith he sees in Timothy is real. It’s sincere and authentic. And it was transferred to him from his grandmother and mother.
You can’t have an abstract or ceremonial relationship with God and transfer it to your children. You can’t have a lukewarm relationship with Jesus and pass on divine passion to the people around you.
According to this verse, the only genuine faith that can be transferred is personal.
Faith has to be personal to be transferable and endure every circumstance life brings. The question is: What kind of faith do you have?
I’m praying for your passion to grow, your purpose to increase, and your faith to be stirred up to change the world around you for the glory of God.
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