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The devil didn't make you do it.

Galatians 5:24 “And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”

It’s common knowledge that we are fighting against principalities and powers that are unseen. As christians we are called to spiritual warfare. But to many use that as an excuse. When actually many of the things they fight have very little to do with the devil and a lot to do with the flesh. It’s the unwillingness to crucify the flesh not a spirit that causes many people so many problems.

When the flesh is allowed to run rampant and do what it pleases it takes control. The flesh is greedy and the more you feed it the more it wants. Instead of the cop out of the devil made me do it tell the flesh no. Tell the old man you can’t have that or do that.

Accountability is needed as much as deliverance is among Christians today. Resist the devil and he will flee. Did you catch that? You have a part in the struggle. You resist and he flees!

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