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Writer's pictureDoug Duncan

Seeking Deeper Into God

“I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed…” – Daniel 9:3-4

What separates the mediocre from the exceptional? Why do some seek excellence, while others are content with doing the minimum? Christian lives can be either mediocre or exceptional.

Musician Clifford Curzon, one of the 20th century’s greatest pianists, is an example of someone who never settled for mediocrity. To other musicians, he stood out because of his commitment to probe for deeper meaning in every piece of music he played. Curzon spent hours in practice, examining phrases that others passed over with little thought. His dedication resulted in amazing performances.

This is the kind of attitude God rewards in spiritual things. He knows how easily we can settle for a shallow understanding or a “good enough” faith. But He gives us a choice: Do we want a superficial understanding of the Bible? Are we content to live a lukewarm Christian life? Or do we desire the deeper things of God?

Each day, you have opportunities to decide: Will you dig deeper, or remain on the surface? When you face problems, will you cry out to God for answers? Do you crave His insights and fill your mind with His Word? Do you really want His power in your life? Do you really seek excellence, or just want to get by with the minimum effort?

Today, think about the example of Daniel. When faced with a situation he did not understand, he set his face to the Lord. He fasted and was serious about seeking God. As a result, God gave him a breakthrough revelation. Don’t be content with the mediocre. Make a new commitment to seek the deeper things of God.

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