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Writer's picturePastor's Corner

Growth isn't an accident!

It’s easy to get distracted, worrying about our past and who we used to be. Or maybe it feels impossible to guard against worry about the future. Distractions and worries will always beg for our attention, but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to them.

At the very end of his letter, Peter tells us to “be on your guard” and to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.”

Growing in a relationship with Jesus doesn’t just happen by itself. Whether you’re a new Christian or you’ve been a Christian for a while, growing is easier said than done. There are days that we feel stuck or far away from God instead of closer to Him.

Rather than being concerned about when we will get through something, we can maintain focus on who promises to be with us through it all. Because Jesus is patient, He doesn’t give up on us. Because He is kind, He rescues us.

Our current circumstances are temporary, but God always has good for us. We can grow the most with Him as we walk with Him through our circumstances, step by step.

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