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God is so good!

See how good the Lord is. Happy is the person who trusts him.” Ps 34:8 NCV

What you believe about God is crucial to the quality of your life, especially in difficult times. So, starting today, tell yourself, “God is good—all the time,” and keep saying it until it gets down into your spirit. What does it mean to be “good?” It means living up to the best and highest one knows. And since God always knows what’s best and highest, His goodness is beyond question. If God is good—genuinely, practically, consistently good—then your cup of well-being, security, peace, confidence, and joy should be overflowing! A good God can’t break His promise, abandon His children, or fail to love and provide for them. In every trial and circumstance, you can be sure He will treat you in the best possible way. When things seem to be falling apart, when you stumble confused in the dark, it’s hard to see God’s goodness or feel that things will get better. That’s when you must draw on the faith God has deposited in you (See Ro 12:3), and by an act of your will, trust Him. A troubled member once asked his pastor, “Does the world look like a wreck to you too?” He replied, “Yes, like the wreck of a bursting seed! Without the ‘wreck’ stage when its world appears to be falling apart, the acorn could never give birth to an oak tree.” So, embrace God’s will in your time of testing because it’s “good, and acceptable, and perfect” (Ro 12:2). Ultimately, you will “see how good the Lord is” and that “happy is the person who trusts him.”

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