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Writer's picturePastor's Corner!

During a time of seeking God for revival, we can’t forget that turning from our sins is a very important step. We need to ask God about the sins in our lives — the sins that are holding us back from getting all God has for us.

What should we do when we realize the things we are doing are sins? You know, when God puts His finger on us and calls our actions "sins." This is something we don't like to hear. We would rather call it other things. We may even realize it is sin, but we have a list of excuses to help us justify ourselves.

Have we forgotten, what God calls sin is still sin? Do we need to be reminded there are no big and small sins? Sin is sin. Have we deceived ourselves so much we believe our pitiful excuses will touch God's heart and make Him want to look the other way when we sin? Is there a part of us that thinks God has done away with the concept that there are consequences to sin?

God loves us and does not want sin in our lives. The problem is we need to come to the place where we are sorry for our sins, ask to be forgiven, and decide to turn from them. We need to uncover the sin and deal with it.

"Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.' And you forgave the guilt of my sin." (Psalm 32:5 NIV) I have seen certain relationships and realized that sin was the root of the problem. God had called their actions sin. They wanted to call it something else. The problem was when God called it sin, it was sin.

We have to look into our own hearts. We should ask ourselves if there are things in our lives that need forgiveness. It may be hard to do, but God will lovingly show us the areas where work is needed. We should grow in God every day, and this is a good way to start. Do not ignore sin. We must deal with it. Bring it to Jesus! Allow His forgiveness to remove the sin in our lives. It may be hard to face, but we can't argue with God. When God calls it sin, it's sin.

"Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (Psalm 51:9-10 NIV)

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