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A breakout church

Micah 2:13 I will bring you together again like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture. Yes, your land will again be filled with noisy crowds! 13 Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land.

I recently read about a shot put thrower in the Olympics from the 1940s. He held the record in throwing the shot put. He would just walk up to the line and toss the heavy ball. But he had a revelation that he could throw it further if he did it differently than how it had always been done. So he started spinning and his momentum caused him to throw it further than he ever had. He said I’m not content with how it’s always been done there’s more! He broke his own record by several feet. He broke out of traditional thinking. It’s time for the church to do the same ! The Pearisburg Church of God is a breakout church. We are breaking free from the golden calves of yesterday and saying there’s more! You don’t have to keep struggling with the same things year after year. Breakout ! We are breaking out of man made restrictions that say you can’t do it that way! I remember being told you can’t have Sunday nights anymore people won’t come. We broke out of that and broke into a move of God. Take the limitations off of God and his people. We are going to need bigger barns for what God has in store for us! Get ready there’s a breakout spirit among God people in Pearisburg!

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